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View as Customer - Project Not Showing in the Project List - but Main page is showing tasks & notifications

  • 28 June 2024
  • 7 replies

So I went in to view as my customer Tom Thorson.  On the main page it showed all of his open tasks and ours - everything that he should be.

I clicked on the Notifications in the left panel - and that is showing fine.


But when I click on Projects on the left - it says he doesn’t have any Projects


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7 replies

Userlevel 3

I tried the whole process again - and this time the left panel looks completely different and now I see that I have to click on the little “caret” to expand the Project section - I didn’t see that before.  I can’t understand how I got to these different pages - ???  

In that earlier screen it doesn’t have the expansion


Userlevel 2

Thanks for the feedback and update on the projects section in the left nav. Most customers are only invited to a single project so we simplify the left menu to help them focus primarily on tasks. However, you are correct. That expansion caret is how they would navigate to multiple projects if needed. For the customer experience you are emulating, this is working as designed. 

Userlevel 2

The main difference you are observing is full project view vs “Compass”. Customers default to this simplified customer portal as documented here:

Userlevel 2

Our adoption analytics shows 2x engagement from customers when using this simplified Compass view instead of full project view which was intended primarily for your internal project managers. However, you can always override those defaults and allow the few customers who prefer full project view to access that instead. 

Userlevel 4

Regarding the project list being blank, I noticed the “Provider” menu was the default (likely because you yourself are a Provider and that piece didn’t switch when you entered the “View As” experience). Can you test switching that to “Customer” if you see that again?


Userlevel 3

@harrisclarke I would love to retest that step - but now for the life of me - I can’t find any way to get back to the screen that had the black version of the sidebar.  I had just logged in and I have no idea what I clicked to get there.  I’ll let you know if it ever pops up again in my testing.


Userlevel 3

Hi @jjmcdev - In regards to your last comment about not being able to get back to screen and left hand nav bar that is black versus blue, it most likely comes down to the “Project View” of Tom being changed. If his View was changed from “Full” to “Compass” then you wouldn’t get back to the prior experience. The project view can be set on a project by project basis using the kabob menu. I would echo @harrisclarke comment about the drop down, that was the first thing I noticed in your screenshot. Below is a screen shot of two cards side by side, one with Full view and one with Compass view and what the menu option looks like when you click the three dots.