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Hello everyone! My name is Dave and I’m fortunate and unfortunate to be stepping in to fill the HUGE shoes Elan left to be your GUIDE host of the amazing Onboarding Community powered by GUIDEcx. 

It would be great to get to know more of the amazing community members. What better way to start that conversation than to introduce myself to everyone! 

First, a little about me personally. I have been married to my dream girl for 13 years. We are the proud parents to 8 amazing kiddos. They range in age from 12 to 2 and it is absolutely as crazy around our home as you might think! I love playing sports and watching them with my kids. Nothing makes me more proud than to see them learning to love the BYU Cougars! Fun and embarrassing fact (especially that my father in law loves to bring up any time we meet new people) is that I was in a movie back in my college days so try to find me on iMDB. 🤣

Second, professionally I have been with GUIDEcx for over 5 years. I have been an Account Executive, Director of Sales, and now the Director of Partnerships. Prior to GUIDEcx, I spent almost a decade both doing implementations and leading a team of implementation and CSMs. My love for pre and post-sale couldn’t be stronger and I believe it gives me some unique perspective to help all parties involved with the customer lifecycle. 

My hope and goal is to see this community grow and expand our collective ability to help and inspire a very broad expanse of implementation and customer success folks around the globe! Baby steps...let’s get to know each other a little better. My ask is two fold: 1) a quick post about yourselves with whatever you want to share and 2) send me your ideas and suggestions on what you want to see more of with this community. 

Elan is a jedi and one of my heros (and not just for his prowess with completing the Angies Kitchen Sink challenge) and nothing would make me happier than to see what he started almost 2 years ago explode!



We are so excited to having you take the lead here Dave! Your many years of tenure at GUIDEcx and webinars over the past few weeks have proven you have the passion for customer onboarding to be a great leader in this community!

 As a father of a large family myself, I have a deep respect for parents who can guide children like you do. Much respect to you for that. 

As for your couple requests…

  1. I am the VP of Product at GUIDEcx and believe deeply in the potential of this community both as a forum to discuss our product specifically and the topic of customer onboarding in general.
  2. My main suggestion for the community is to stay open so that everyone feels welcome whether they are GUIDEcx users or not. Then we as a community can prove that every question will get a response from a variety of perspectives. That way, we can keep learning from each other how to improve customer engagement. 

