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Does anyone have a list of the default subject lines for email templates?

I have new templates that I want to upload but I don’t want to change all of the subject lines and I can’t find a list anywhere of the what the defaults are.



Hey @richard.stone!

Subject lines can be seen when you download the default template.

That said, I’ve procured a quick list for you 😄


Please review the following email types and their corresponding subject lines:

  1. Project Welcome

    • {{{company_name}}} has invited you to {{{project_name}}}
  2. Event Invite

    • You have been invited to the {{{event_task}}}
  3. Task Assignment

    • Your task assignments for {{project_name}}
  4. Watched task assigned

    • {{{task_name}}} has been assigned to {{{user}}}
  5. Task Due Reminder

    • {{{task_name}}} is due in {{days_due}} days
  6. Task status changed

    • {{task_name}} status has been changed to {{status}}
  7. Note Added

    • A new note was added to the {{noteable_type}} {{noteable_name}}
  8. Note Mentioned User

    • You were mentioned in the {{noteable_type}} {{noteable_name}}
  9. Subtask Mentioned User

    • You were mentioned on a subtask within {{task_name}} in the project {{project_name}}
  10. Attachment added to a watched task

    • An attachment was uploaded on a task that you are watching
  11. Task sign off request

    • Sign-off requested for task {{task_name}}
  12. Task Approved or Rejected

    • Task sign-off {{#if approved}}approved and marked as done{{else}}rejected{{/if}}
  13. Task Group Complete

    • The task group {{{task_group_name}}} was completed
  14. Completed their assignment on the participant task

    • {{participant_name}} completed their assignment on the participant task {{task_name}}
  15. Task should have started

    • {{task_name}} has not started
  16. Overdue Task

    • {{#greaterThan (length tasks) 1}}Tasks{{else}}Task{{/greaterThan}} for {{{project_name}}} {{#greaterThan (length tasks) 1}}are{{else}}is{{/greaterThan}} overdue
  17. Project Running Late

    • {{{project_name}}} is running late
  18. Task not updated

    • Your overdue task {{overdue_task_name}} has not been updated in {{days}} days
  19. Tasks left unassigned

    • {{project_name}} has unassigned tasks that should have started
  20. Milestone completed

    • The milestone {{{milestone}}} was completed
  21. Project Complete

    • All tasks have been completed for {{{project_name}}}
  22. CSAT

    • {{#equals surveyable_type "milestone"}}{{@root.surveyable_name}} is a major step in your project and was recently completed{{else}}Your project, {{{@root.surveyable_name}}}, was recently completed.{{/equals}}
  23. Project Overview

    • Your overview for {{{project_name}}}
  24. Consolidated Project Overview

    • Your Project Overviews
  25. Send Project Attachments

    • Attachments for {{{project_name}}}
  26. Send Magic Link

    • New secure access link

Thanks, @Mark Mitchell! That’s exactly what I needed.


Glad to help!
