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Salesforce is the common tool that unites many departments in our organization. Because of this, I tried to incorporate Project Level Status Change Reasons/Descriptions into a dashboard but didn’t see those details in the GuideCX Projects report. 

Has anyone found a good way to incorporate those details into Salesforce?

Greg it looks like you blew our community collective minds with that question! 😂

Do you have a dedicated SF admin that is building these dashboards and reports by chance? 


@dthompson I appreciate the response and have started coordinating with our SF admin to see if we can pull in the fields we’re looking for. I’d assumed the reports were ‘pre-defined’ and maybe that’s not the case 🙂 Thank you!

Correct. The data points for status change reasons are included in the reverse sync from GUIDEcx to Salesforce, but the reports themselves are up to you and your Salesforce team to define.