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DID YOU KNOW: Adding 3+ customers to a project will increase your on time completion rate?!?

  • 16 June 2023
  • 3 replies

Want to get more projects done on-time? The secret isn’t to send more emails, start a slack channel, or even send a gift basket. The secret is to invite customers to the project! The magic number is 3. GUIDEcx did a study where on-time completion rate jumped to 91% when 3-5 customers were invited to projects.

Who was being invited??? I’ll tell ya!

  1. The Executive Sponsor (check signer aka the person who can get their team back on track if they fall behind schedule)
  2. The App Owner (this is your main point of contact aka the person who owns the day to day task completion.)
  3. A Power User (this is someone who can help share the load or even step in for the App Owner if they leave)
  4. Their IT contact (This person may be responsible for helping whitelist things, send data, etc)

Comment below if you have any other pro-tips of who to invite!


This is great insight! We’re looking at launching a profile where customers can self select specific roles for their account and in the brainstorming phases. This is great information for us to consider as we role that out so we can help make sure these roles are included in the Onboarding process. 

That sounds awesome, @SamDurfey! One thing that we do that has worked is adding a tool tip in there that shares this best practice (who to invite) to encourage those customers to make sure others are included! (I’ve included an example of what we use in our app). Then we hyperlink to an article that shares the study in more detail in case the customer wants to learn more! 

