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I created a task that I wnt my customer to sign off. When I click the Require Sign Off slider to turn it on, I am unable to save the task because it says I need to sign off at that time. I’m apparently not understanding how this works. Anyone able to set me straight? Thank you.


@lhorrell I have the exact same frustration with “Sign Off Tasks”!  I think it’s very confusing - and the article in the Knowledge base isn’t helpful at all - it doesn’t even explain the steps/other screens you need to fill out to use it.  It took me a lot of trial and error to figure it out.  I’ll show you screen shots from my test project to show you the steps. I’m hoping someone from GuideCX will jump in and give their thoughts on how it’s supposed to work if what I’m doing is wrong.


  1. Task Should be an Internal Task - Assigned to Project Manager - for the longest time I thought the task was a customer task but once you see below - the Sign Off request will say gAssignee Name] has requested your sign off on this task.  So it needs to be assigned to you - not your customer. 


  2. Task Instructions - even though the task is going to be assigned to you - the instructions are going to be included in their sign off request - so it should be something customer appropriate.  (In my screen shots - it’s from a test system - and I still had the task instructions geared toward me - not customer appropriate - so ignore those)
  3. Edit Task to Turn on Sign Off - when you do this you will fill out the First and Last Name and email address to be able to Save the task.  This info isn’t the sign off - it’s just the information that GuideCX will feed into the next task.  (I always thought that filling in those fields WAS the sign off)
  4. Click on “Send Sign Off” on the Task Card - Now this is the part I always missed - it’s really weird and nothing else in GuideCX works like this.  But you have to go to the task card - and click on those words - and you’ll get a pop up box where you can edit an email message to send to the customer requesting the sign off.
  5. Customer will Receive Sign Off Request - the customer will receive an email that includes the task instructions (so make sure they are customer appropriate) as well as anything entered when you send the approval request.  They will have an Approve or Reject button.
  6. Receive Email Notification of Customer Response  You’ll get an email with the results of the customers Approval/Rejection.
  7. Task Marked Completed - if the customer approves - the task is automatically marked as Done but unfortunately there is nothing at all in the task that shows that the customer approved it.  I think this is a huge miss on GuideCX’s part - I should write up a feature request - but haven’t taken the time. What I do is copy that email notification and put it in the note on the task.


Hope this helps!  And maybe someone from GuideCX will jump in and tell us more about it.



Thank you so much Jill. I apprecaite the time you took to put this together for me.


Hello Jill,


I wanted to thank you again for taking the time to help me out with this. You saved me a ton of time trying to figure this out.


@lhorrell Glad it helped!  I know I spent hours trying to figure it out so glad I could pass it on.