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Water Cooler Wednesday: If you could visit any place on earth where would it be and why?

Are the snowy mountains calling? How about a nice tropical beach? Maybe you’re a city person and want to experience the hustle and bustle there?


Imagine you have an all expensed paid vacation, where are you going and what are you doing?

I am dying to go to Japan. There’s something so magical about how they approach tourism. My perfect day would be:

  1. Wake up early
  2. Ski Mt. Fuji for the morning (they call it Ja-POW because it gets so much powder)
  3. Warm up in a lava hot spring
  4. Eat an amazing shabu shabu lunch
  5. Go check out Nintendo land
  6. Ride some mario karts
  7. Get lost in the city
  8. Eat as much sushi as possible.
  9. Repeat

I want to visit the place in Avatar where all the mountains are floating.


JK… I’d love to visit Jerusalem! The history is fascinating.
