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What is the most memorable meal you've ever had? (It can be good or bad.)

  • 14 June 2023
  • 2 replies

What made that meal so memorable? 

One time, I went to a Brazilian Steakhouse. First of all, those are incredible and I lived in Brazil for 2 years so it’s always a treat to be able to go out and eat the best food in the world. Second of all, this experience was nothing like I’ve ever had before. Our waiter was crazy memorable.

The waiter came to our table and was very upbeat and excited for us to experience the best meal of our lives. He talked up all the meats that had been prepared for the day and which drinks would compliment the meal the best. Not only that but this waiter twirled so many times I lost count, but somehow he retained my attention. (Usually when I go to these types of restaurants I already know what to do so I tune the waiter out, but this guy held my attention like no other). 

I remember the food being really good, but what sticks out to me was how the waiter was so animated and I felt like I was watching a show. It was an experience I’ll never forget.

I had a terrible experience at Chili’s once…


Some friends of mine were visiting from out of town, so we decided to get some dinner. After sitting down, and chit chatting as always, we realized that we had been sitting for 30 minutes before a waiter introduced themselves. Once they took our orders, it was another 45 minutes before half of us received food and they completely forgot about the other meals. After another 20 minutes of nothing, those that received their food paid and the rest of us just left.


It was insane...


