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How do you handle meeting scheduling for projects in GuideCX?

  • 12 July 2024
  • 4 replies

One area that I consistently struggle in my GuideCX Project Plan is interacting with the customer to schedule their Implementation Kick Off and User Training meetings.  I’ve been striving to keep all of my communication with the customer coming from GuideCX if possible - so it reflects the total picture of the history of the project.  

I have a task that is assigned to the customer called Schedule your Implementation Kick Off Meeting!” and in it - I have embedded a Calendly Link to my calendar so that they can select an available time that works for them.


But I have found that I have a better response rate for scheduling if I utilize the Calendly feature where you can actually insert availability that they can select and schedule quickly.  So sometimes I reply to the task email from GuideCX and add that availability if I haven’t heard from them.


Can anyone share how they handle meeting scheduling with their customers through the GuideCX project?



4 replies

Userlevel 3

Anyone?  Does anyone even use GuideCX to schedule Onboarding meetings?

Userlevel 4

Hey, @jjmcdev!

We certainly do.


It's interesting how success can vary with different methods. For example, we used to include the link to schedule the kickoff in the experience overview. Before that, we would email the POC directly with the Calendly link. Once the call was scheduled, it would initiate the project creation. We even used to call the POC on their mobile with a quick “Hello!” to set expectations for the upcoming email to schedule the kickoff. At the time, it seemed to work well, or so we thought…


What we do today is similar to your method:



Since adopting this method, we've reduced the time to schedule the kickoff from an average of 1-2 weeks to just 1-3 days.

The primary difference between our approach and yours is that we provide the link earlier. It seems most people aren't reading the rest of the task instructions once they have the link. Additionally, the agenda is included in the Calendly event.

We also have a recipe that auto-completes the task and adds a summary of the event to the project notes. It also updates the due date of the kickoff task to mirror the scheduled date.

If customers need a reminder, we typically resend the assignment or @mention them in the notes with the Calendly link again.

I'm not an HTML expert, but I love how the availability is displayed in your second image. I wonder if there a way to leverage custom email templates to integrate and embed that version of Calendly? It may be worth exploring to achieve the best of both worlds.


How soon after a new deal comes in do your customers receive this task? Our goal is to send it out the same day, which has made a significant difference.

Userlevel 3

@Mark Mitchell - thank you so much for all the experience info you provided!.  I really like your message on the task.  I like that it is succinct and that it has the agenda.  I might steal this from you!

Currently we have way too much “fluff” before the task for scheduling the kick off.  They get the invitation with Customer Experience Overview, a Welcome to SnapStream task, then a task about identifying team members that are needed from their side - THEN the schedule mtg task.  I think I need to get rid of a lot of that and make the first task the schedule mtg task - and either get rid of or greatly decrease the other stuff.  I tend to lean heavily on more information instead of less - so I think it deserves a second look.

So following up on your information….

  1. What is included in your Experience Overview?  I used to have some basic customer focused information there - but I think it got really confusing - because internal people and more secondary customer team members were getting the same message - and the info in it really only applied to the Main POC.
  2. Recipe for Task Completion & Updates - is your recipe out in the Community area of Recipe builder where I might make a copy?
  3. Pretty Calendly Link - I see that you just have the “bare” Calendly link put in as a merge field.  I’m assuming that you haven’t found a way to automatcially create a “pretty” version of the link - with a Text Placeholder like   Schedule Your Implementation Kick Off!  I thought with the new custom fields they might have that for a link type field.  @dthompson - here is a feature suggestion for you!  😀
Userlevel 1

@jjmcdev I hear you there! I’m going to do a little digging on this idea with our product team. There may be an option to make it “pretty” but let me get back to you there. 👍🏽
